Bloom Hamner

Dream Trip Awaits Best Friends


Dream Trip Awaits Best Friends


Bronson Gatts '18 and Jacob Dowler '19 will spend Spring Break in Iceland, Scotland

Best friends, neighbors, and now travel companions.

The bond between Bronson Gatts '18 and Jacob Dowler '19 is a strong one. So it's only natural that the Christ School upperclassmen will spend Spring Break together. They have mapped out a 10-day trip to Iceland and Scotland.

"We met in the fifth or sixth grade, and since then we've done just about everything together. From starting fires in the backyards to building forts," Bronson said. "We've done something similar before. We camped out at Max Patch (along the Appalachian Trail) last year. This trip will be a good culmination."

Spring Break for Christ School begins Saturday at noon. Classes will not resume until March 19.

Bronson and Jacob plan to spend five days in each country. The boys have some familiarity with Scotland, more specifically, the town of St. Andrews. Jacob has been before, while Bronson has a cousin who lives there. The Greenies will do an ice cave tour in Iceland.

"For sure, I'm looking forward to it," Jacob said. "There should be a lot of great activities."