preserving the history and improving the future of Christ School

Alumni Council

The Alumni Council is an important group of volunteer leaders who take on a variety of important projects at Christ School. In addition to the planning for Alumni Weekend, the Alumni Council works on the Alumni Awards, the Legacy Scholarship, the Athletic Hall of Fame, and the Teacher and Staff of the Year Award. Christ School is truly grateful for all the ways in which the Alumni Council strengthens the ties between alumni and the school.

Alumni Council Mission Statement

The Christ School Alumni Council is committed to preserving the history and improving the future of Christ School by promoting sincere connections among former students. The Council will work to engage alumni in the school’s philosophy that balances academicsspiritual lifeathleticsleadership development and a direct understanding of work’s dignity. By encouraging alumni participation, organizing events and frequently communicating with the school’s former students, Council members will build on more than 100 years of experiences and values shared by the Christ School brotherhood.

Mr. Sean C. Scott '08 - President

Mr. Gary E. Chambers '67

Mr. William E. King, Jr. '75, P'08

Mr. Jimmy Searle '89

Mr. Richard Ryan Montague '96

Mr. Adam E. Willis '01

Mr. Thomas Beard '12

Mr. Thomas C. Lynch '14

Mr. David T. Shainberg '18

Mr. Robert Byrd '11

Mr. Josh Whitney '09 - Vice President

Mr. Thomas E. Beck '69

Mr. R. Andrew King, Jr. '82, P'19

Mr. Brian P. Hayes '90

Mr. George S. Bitter, '00

Mr. Tyler Riggins '05

Mr. Denis R. de St. Aubin, Jr. '13

Mr. Kyle Luce '16

Mr. Mark Pryor '14