Drew Hamilton '18 Commended for PSAT Performance

Drew Hamilton '18 Commended for PSAT Performance

Christ School senior one of 34,000 nationwide students recognized

The National Merit Scholarship Program has once again shone a spotlight on the academic merits of a Christ School senior.

Drew Hamilton '18 received a letter of commendation for outstanding performance on the Preliminary SAT in 2016. The PSAT doubles as the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program.

Of the 1.6 million nationwide students who take the PSAT, there are only 34,000 who receive a letter of commendation from the National Merit Scholarship Program. Drew is one of the top Physics students at Christ School, and was part of the Physics of Atomic Nuclei summer camp held July 23-28 at Michigan State University.

Three Christ School seniors were named National Merit semifinalists earlier this month: Bennett David '18, Coleman Davis '18, and Jonathan Gooch '18. Christ School has produced multiple National Merit semifinalists for the past five years.