Varsity Lacrosse Starts Season Off Right, Win 15-1


Varsity Lacrosse Starts Season Off Right, Win 15-1


Christ School Lacrosse opened their season yesterday with a 15-1 win over Greenville High, building a 10-0 halftime lead with Hunter Vines '18's five goals, Zach Grinde '19's four goals, Davis Lindsey '20's three goals, and Jack Harrison '19's three assists. Marshall McDill '18, Sean Dow '21, and Jack DuBose '20 all contributed a goal each. The stifling defense of Alex Byron '18, Will McNichols '19, Max Brie '18, Marcus Berger '19, Luke Brazinski '18, Spencer Dyer '19, James Lilly '19, and Kevin Masson '20 were all outstanding. Goalies Sam Brie '21 and Ferrell Lail '20 were magnificent in goal with nine and three saves respectively. Jack McLawhorn '18 and Sean Dow '21 dominated the face-offs going 14/18.

Up next, the Greenies head to Raleigh/Durham for five games in six days to compete in the prestigious King of Spring tournament. Christ School will play first on Monday against North Raleigh Christian at 6 PM, before facing Durham Academy, Ravenscroft, Kiski (PA) and Wando (SC).