Bloom Hamner

Yearbook Dedicated to Baltazar

Yearbook Dedicated to Baltazar

Spanish teacher retiring from education at school year's end

Marshall Baltazar led a colorful life before he ever got to Christ School.

And the Spanish teacher left a mark in his eight years as a member of the faculty, too. Sawyer Duhaime '18 announced Friday in Assembly that the Class of 2018 has dedicated the Angelus yearbook to Baltazar, who is retiring from education at the end of the school year.

Sawyer's presentation culled information from Baltazar's past.

"This beloved faculty member has lived in three different countries and worked as a hotel manager, a tightrope and trapeze artist, a clown, and an acrobat," Sawyer said. "He earned a masters degree in Urban Teaching and won a dance contest on the 1970s TV show, "Soul Train." Since 2010, he has been an integral member of this community, teaching Spanish, directing plays, and leading trips to Spain. This kind, wise sage claims that his heart is a potato, though everyone who knows him would say it is a heart of gold. So, in an effort to keep this dedication short and sweet, just like our dear señor, the senior class dedicated the 2018 Angelus to Señor Baltazar."

Everyone from students and faculty to graduates here for Alumni Weekend gave Baltazar a standing ovation in Pingree Auditorium.

Max Brie '18 was one of the Greenies most heavily-involved in producing the Angelus this year.

"Being able to work on the yearbook this year was an awesome experience. We actually changed many things from past years and we are all really excited to see people's reactions," Max said. "When I heard we were going to dedicate the yearbook to Mr. Baltazar, I could not have been happier. Even though I never had the opportunity to have him as a teacher, he is someone who is constantly active in the school hallways. He is never shy to say hello and during my first couple days at Christ School was extremely supportive and made sure I knew where I was going. It is sad to know some new faces will not have the opportunity to meet him, but the for the students that did have I think I speak for all of us when I say it has been a pleasure."

Yearbooks were available for pickup Friday in Krieger lobby. The theme for this year's Angelus is "Greenies Rise."