Bestselling Author Begins Third Year of Cooper Living Arts Series

What boy doesn't like a good Dracula book, especially this close to Halloween? 

Elizabeth Kostova is the first author to have a debut novel reach the top of the New York Times bestseller list in its first week of sale. The plot of 2005's The Historian interweaves the history and folklore of Vlad the Impaler and his fictional equivalent, Count Dracula, with that of Paul, a professor, and his 16-year-old daughter (who is never named) as they seek to find Vlad's tomb.

Ms. Kostova gave the boys a peek into her creative process and helped them tap into their own the past two days. 

Ms. Kostova's visit to campus kicked off the third year of the Cooper Living Arts Series, a program of great enrichment made possible by the generosity of Edwin Cooper ’81, P’19, P’23 and his wife, Andrea P’19, P’23. 

Ms. Kostova sat in on English classes Monday and Tuesday, led a Struan Writer Salon, and finally gave a reading this morning in Chapel. 

Along with The Historian, she since gone on to author two more books, The Swan Thieves (2010) and the Shadow Land (2017), and is an Asheville resident.