Experience the cool, blue outline of the mountains in the distance or the roadside Appalachian flora and it’s easy to forget that for all its natural wonder, tons of work goes into maintaining the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Not to mention the campgrounds, picnic areas, and other features that attract more than 15 million visitors annually.
Christ School boys have done their share for the Parkway the past five years, and their efforts have not gone unnoticed.
Two representatives from the National Park Service attended Friday morning’s Assembly to present the Greenies with their award as the Blue Ridge Parkway Volunteer Youth Group of the Year.
Servant Leadership Chairs Peter Roberts ’23 and Henry Nicholls ’23 along with Service Learning Director Olga Mahoney P’20 accepted the award on behalf of the school.
A picture of Christ School soccer players, following an outing to the Mount Pisgah Campground in August, was shared with Parkway’s 410,000 Instagram followers on April 19 with the following caption:
“Today's National Volunteer Week recognition goes to Volunteer Youth Group Award recipients - Christ School.
This award recognizes contributions by an organized youth group who are all under the age of 18 and working together under the guidance of a common goal or set of rules.
The Asheville volunteer crew is proud to have partnered with Christ School students since 2018. Students have assisted with preserving tables/benches/grills in picnic areas, trenching tent pads, removing overgrown vegetation, cleaning and painting bathhouses and assisting with constructing and installing twelve handrails at steep stairs at individual campsites. The group is noted for always being in a "team-building" mode and keenly interested in learning new skills/techniques.
Thanks for all you do, Christ School students!”