Dean of Students Drew Hyche ‘94 and Director of Residential Life Benjie Colberg recognized five Greenies on Friday for their demeanor and tireless work in the Christ School community.
The 2019-20 school year’s first Student and Residential Life Awards were announced during Assembly. Nominations are submitted anonymously in writing by Christ School faculty.
Friday’s winners were as follows:
Students of the Month: James Treadaway ’20 and Alex Terziev ’21. James “always has a smile on his face, is kind and supportive of others, and always gives others the benefit of the doubt,” a faculty member said. He “communicates well, is polite, humble, reliable, and honorable, and very helpful and supportive of new students to Christ School.” Alex is “a dominant force in class, in kayaking, and in helping with the yearbook,” a faculty member said. He “is totally involved in all that goes on while on campus, goes out of his way to help others, is humble, honest in nature and mature, and one of the most pleasant students to be around.”
Senior Leader of the Month: Jack DuBose ’20. Jack lives in Harris House and does a great job “redirecting and refocusing everyone without being authoritarian,” a faculty member said.
Roommates of the Month: Bill Zhou ’24 and Jake Liss ’24. The two eighth graders reside in Cuningham House where they keep “a tidy room and are always kind and positive,” a faculty member said.