Greenies Show Appreciation to School's Active Servicemen


All a good idea needs is a spark.

The inherent brotherhood found at Christ School has been known to form the basis to something more – many alumni have followed the same calling to serve their country. These Greenies were on the mind of Denis de St. Aubin ’13 when he proposed the latest project for the school’s Veterans Service Club.

Working in conjunction with the Advancement Office, the boys prepared more than 20 care packages for Christ School alumni who are active servicemen. Each package included a high-quality pair of boxers suited to military personnel, a Christ School Yeti cup, candy, and a personal note from a current student.

The Veterans Service Club researched the Christ School experience and the military background of each recipient before writing the notes. Father John Roberts blessed the packages in St. Joseph’s Chapel, and they were mailed out to their recipients by Director of Service Learning Olga Mahoney P’20.

Mrs. Mahoney has been the faculty representative for the Veterans Service Club since it was founded five years ago by James Coleman ’20, who continued his education at Texas A&M University. 

“The most important thing you can do for a veteran is to let them know you care, that their sacrifice hasn’t been forgotten,” James said at the time.

The Veterans Service Club would like to thank everyone whose support made this project possible – Denis, Head of School Dr. Sean Jenkins, former Headmaster Paul Krieger P’09, P’12, and the Advancement Office.
