Today's teenagers face unique challenges, and at the same time, have enormous potential to succeed in the right climate.
Headmaster Paul Krieger shared his breadth of knowledge February 26 as the latest member of the Biltmore Forest Country Club Speaker Series. Mr. Krieger hit on topics such as social media, changing values, the effects of modern media coverage, and educational options in the current marketplace. Above all, he spoke on the importance of healthy relationships and the joys of working with young people.
The crowd included BFCC members, current Christ School families and students, and alumni.
Mr. Krieger has been at Christ School for 20 years and Headmaster since 2003. During that time, the school has experienced unparalleled growth in enrollment, facilities, and morale.
Christ School again started the 2019-20 school year at capacity for enrollment with 290 boys. When Mr. Krieger first joined the school, the student body was only 160.
Enhancements to campus have come with the Dining Hall, Wellness Center, Alumni Plaza, Science Center, a dormitory, and the Athletic Complex. The lobby of Mebane Science Center was named for Mr. Krieger in 2011 and the Close|Krieger Athletic Center opened in 2018.