Composing himself in front of a crowded room would have never been a problem for Lex Long ’21.
However, with the current safety protocols in place at Christ School, there were only a few dozen people sitting in St. Joseph’s Chapel on Thursday morning.
Lex did not disappoint in giving the first Senior Speech of the 2020-21 school year, with a heartfelt message that will be a good tone-setter for the months that lie ahead. The charismatic University of Virginia football recruit and Prefect in Noland House shared his vulnerability with the school community through a story from last month’s Registration.
Lex said that a positive interaction with a family new to Christ School caused him to tear up more than he has in years.
“Never ever be afraid to cry,” Lex told everyone in attendance and watching via a school livestream.
“It helps you feel brand new. It’s freeing. It’s not a show of weakness, it’s a show of courage. Secondly, never overlook the privileges you have. Every day on this campus, we are privy to new experiences and lessons that might seem worthless now, but in a few years are more impactful than we ever could have imagined. And when you are standing up here giving your speech, just remember the picture your mom took of you the first day you stepped on campus.”
Lex is from Woodbridge, Va., and this is his second year at Christ School. Prior to Thursday’s speech, the Greenie thanked his family, as well as his advisor and football coach, Nick Luhm, and dorm parent, Ken Tyburski. He closed his opening remarks with these words.
“Lastly, I would like to say thank you to all the boys of Christ School,” Lex said. “Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your community, for letting me laugh with you, learn with you, and lead with you. I will be forever grateful.”
Senior Speeches have been a Christ School tradition for more than two decades. Every senior is given the option to speak, but it is not a requirement. The boys are encouraged to be sincere, thoughtful, and loving with their message.
Senior Speeches will be sprinkled throughout Assembly and Chapel from now and until the spring of 2021. Snippets and photos from each speech will be shared through Christ School's social media.