Old Man Winter, we would like a word.
Below-average temperatures set in as the boys returned for the start of the 2025 Spring Semester, then hung around, leading to the most substantial snowfall Asheville has seen in years.
Being indoors in close quarters for much of the past week did have its upside. Namely, we were all reminded how meaningful and lasting the relationships are at Christ School.
The daily interactions and deeper friendships amongst the boys. The kind and supporting mentorship the students receive from our faculty and staff. And the unmistakable magic that happens when you mix it all together. We are very lucky, indeed.
Last week began with professional development for the faculty on Jan. 6, working with Charlotte's Rankin Institute to better understand how to support students with learning disabilities. Classes resumed the next day with chapel services highlighted by two faculty talks: English instructor Jay Farrell on Tuesday (Academic Rigor and the resilience to overcome failure) and Assistant Dean of Students/Outdoor Program Director Wesley Shelmire on Thursday (Epiphany moments), sandwiched around a message from Chaplain Peter Hartwig about community in the months of January and February.
As predicted, the snowflakes began falling shortly before lunchtime Friday and into Saturday morning.
While the snow complicated travel, here on campus, it allowed Greenies to build snowmen, fly down hills on sleds, and make snow angels.