
The Christ School community gathers regularly together to worship, and that shared fellowship is the glue that binds our community together. From its founding in 1900, St. Joseph's Chapel has played a central role in helping members of the school community make sense of the seemingly disconnected elements of our studies, society, and lives.
As an Episcopal school with students from many religious and denominational backgrounds, we lift up our Christian faith and heritage as an example for students of all faiths and backgrounds. As part of this, a commitment to diversity and inclusion is firmly embedded in our Episcopal Identity and enfolds our hope to proclaim God’s love for all people, to love our neighbor as ourselves, to strive for justice and peace, and to respect the dignity of every human being. Above all else, the Chapel is grounded in hospitality; it is a place where it is safe to ask questions and be part of a sacramental community that points towards God’s transformative love.
The Chaplain plays an integral role in all aspects of the campus community and provides much of the leadership for our community life by attempting to bring the concept of servant leadership taught in our faith. Regular services at Christ School consist of an optional Sunday evening Eucharist, school-wide Morning Prayer on Tuesday and Thursday, and Wednesday Eucharist. We work to include a variety of speakers to engage our community and grow our understanding of faith.
Tour the Chapel
To view the model on a desktop, click anywhere on the ground to move through the chapel. Click and drag to change your view. You can also move using your keyboard arrow keys. On a phone, tap and drag to change your view. Also tap on the circles on the ground to move.